AI STATEMENT: Fiona Quinn relies on her imagination and experiences to write her stories. She pays for professional services by humans who use their education and unique creativity to help her bring quality works to this platform, including editors, artists, and audio narrators.
Fiona Quinn uses AI as part of her word processing software (spellcheck, for example) and does NOT use AI to create her stories.

I have a philosophy. Actually, I have many philosophies and am glad to, with very little encouragement, wax poetic on any one of them.
Subjects I know about, subjects I know nothing about - I'm an equal opportunity philosophizer.
One of my favorite philosophies is that education should be a life-long endeavor and should look like a toolbox.
You’d think this image was pretty funny if you knew me. I am awkward at best if you put a tool in my hand. That’s not to say that I wouldn’t give it a go. It’s just to say it might not be the most graceful display that you’ve ever seen.
Living life directed by the Toolbox Philosophy means I'm acquiring new skills so that whatever life hands me, I have something at the ready to tackle the projects or emergencies that arise, and it explains a lot about my resume.
I’m world traveled; I’ve ridden camels across Egypt, an elephant in Prague, and eaten horse in Moscow (sure wish I had Google Translate back then!) I’ve danced the jig in an Irish castle, hula-ed in O'ahu, and did some weird techno thingy in East Berlin (when there was still a wall).
I have degrees out the yin-yang. I have B.A.s in History, Foreign Language, Psychology, (almost Art History), and an M.S. in Counseling from the Medical College of Virginia. I’m a Reiki Master/Teacher and Second Dan Tae Kwon Do Black Belt qualified.
My paid jobs have been as far-reaching as being a governess and model in France to bridal florist. Marketing for the symphony to suicide/homicide intervention for the court system (although those might be closer together than farther apart). I've even been paid to scream - but that's a different story for another day.
Right now I’m writing a book series: one part romance, two parts suspense, with a twist. As I read that over, it sounds like the recipe for a cocktail. I promise you, this is no Happy Hour. Of course, my heroine was raised as an unschooler under the Toolbox Philosophy. She’s a pretty cool chick. I’m having tons of fun!
Canadian born, I am now rooted in the Old Dominion outside of D.C. with my husband. I pop chocolates, devour books, and tap continuously on my laptop.
I use my background to volunteer and give back to my community
CERT - Community Emergency Response Team/FEMA
Medical Reserve Corps - mental health support

Fiona Quinn is a USA Today bestselling author, a Kindle Scout winner, and an Amazon Top 40 author.
Quinn writes smart suspense with a psychic twist in her Iniquus World of action-adventure stories, including Lynx, Strike Force, Uncommon Enemies, Kate Hamilton Mysteries, FBI Joint Taskforce, Cerberus Tactical K9: Teams Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie, Cerberus Trained, Delta Force Echo Series and now, a cookbook!
She writes urban fantasy as Fiona Angelica Quinn for her Elemental Witches Series.
And, just for fun, she writes the Badge Bunny Booze Mystery Collection with her dear friend, Tina Glasneck, under the name Quinn Glasneck.
While Quinn travels the world to research her books, she is rooted in the Old Dominion, where she lives with her husband. There, she pops chocolates, devours books, and taps continuously on her laptop.